CAD Drafting Technician

CAD Drafting Technician

CRISTINA COCOSILA’s Professional Biography and Portfolio

CRISTINA COCOSILA is a talented drafter/designer with her skills, experience and, last but not least, creative thinking sourcing from North American and European background. In recent years CRISTINA COCOSILA directed all her passion, efforts and hopes towards developing advanced design skills. By attending Digital School she developed knowledge in Engineering and Architectural drawing and design. This substantially enhanced her previous experience developed while working for the companies iAxxess and MM & Associates in Ontario between 2003 and 2008.

CRISTINA COCOSILA is a qualified Engineering CAD Technician and holds the Engineering CAD Technician Diploma with specialization in Process Piping from Digital School - Edmonton and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Informatics and Cybernetics from Academy of Economics Sciences - Bucharest, Romania.

With her love and passion for drawing and design, CRISTINA COCOSILA can provide Computer Aided Design quality services based on AutoCAD Software in a wide range of Engineering and Architectural fields.


CRISTINA COCOSILA can be reached at: Email:

Please visit CRISTINA COCOSILA’s Portfolio bellow:

Architectural Project_House-Foundation - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Main Floor - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Second Floor - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Cross Section - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Elevation-Front - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Elevation-Rear - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Elevation-West - My own design

Architectural Project_House-Elevation-East - My own design




Architectural-Steel Structure1

Architectural-Steel Structure2

Architectural-Structure_Joist Girder/Column Connection



Architectural project_Main Floor_3D - My own design

House 3D – fig. 1

House 3D – fig. 2

House 3D – fig. 3

Building Services Project- Residential-HVAC_Basement - My own design

Building Services Project- Residential-HVAC_Main floor - My own design

Building Services Project- Residential-Plumbing _Basement - My own design

Building Services Project- Residential-Plumbing_ Main floor - My own design

Building Services Project-Residential-Drain_Waste_Vent System–Isometric - My own design

Building Services Project-Residential-Hot&Cold Water System-Isometric - My own design

Building Services-Electrical layout

Building Services-Fire Extinguishing System

Building Services-Plumbing

Building Services-HVAC_3D

Building Services-HVAC_Office-Floor plan

Mechanical Drawings-Upper Transmission Shaft_2D

Mechanical Drawings-Valve Assembly_2D

Mechanical Drawings-Tractor Piston_2D

Mechanical Drawings-Tractor Piston_3D

P&ID Project-Depropanizer_Elevation

P&ID Project-Depropanizer_Nozzle Orientation

P&ID Project-Depropanizer Overhead Condensor

P&ID Project-Depropanizer Pump

P&ID Project-Depropanizer Reboiler

P&ID Project-Depropanizer Reflux

P&ID Project-Equipment Location

P&ID Project-Flow Diagram

P&ID Project-Isometric_4-C30-10”

P&ID Project-Isometric_5-C30-8”

P&ID Project-Isometric_6-C30-10”

P&ID Project-Isometric_7-C30-4”

P&ID Project-Isometric_7-C30-6”

P&ID Project-Isometric_12-C30-4”

Pressure Vessels-Heat Exchanger_2D

Pressure Vessels-Heat Exchanger(Tubes)_2D

Pressure Vessels-Heat Exchanger_3D

Pressure Vessel_2D

Pressure Vessel_3D

Subdivisions Project - My own design

Subdivisions Project-Details - My own design

Subdivisions_LS4 SEC21 TWP28 RGE23-pg.1

Subdivisions_LS4 SEC21 TWP28 RGE23-pg.2





Topographical Drawings-Map1_Relief&Water

Topographical Drawings-Map2_Vegetation’s Distribution

Topographical Drawings-Map3_Cultural Symbols

Topographical Project-Index Contour Lines

Topographical Project-Vertical&Horizontal Profiles

Topographical Project-3D Map

Topographical Project-Road Design - My own design

Topographical Project-Road Profile

Topographical Project-Road Cross Sectional Profile

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